Type Description
NOT_ALLOWED Authorization failed. Insufficient permissions
NOT_ALLOWED_TARGET_ENVIRONMENT Access to target environment is forbidden
INVALID_CALLBACK_URL_HOST Callback URL does not match the configured value
INVALID_CURRENCY Currency not supported
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Service temporarily unavailable, try again later
NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS The payer does not have enough funds
PAYER_LIMIT_REACHED The payer's limit has been breached
PAYEE_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_RECEIVE The payee is unable to receive funds
PAYMENT_NOT_APPROVED Payment was not approved
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Requested resource was not found
APPROVAL_REJECTED The approval was rejected
EXPIRED The requested resource has expired
TRANSACTION_CANCELED The transaction was canceled by the initiator
RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXIST Duplicated reference id. Creation of resource failed
TRANSACTION_NOT_COMPLETED Transaction is pending and not completed
TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND The transaction could not be found
INFORMATIONAL_SCOPE_INSTRUCTION Informational scopes shall not have scope instructions
MISSING_SCOPE_INSTRUCTION Missing scope instruction
MORE_THAN_ONE_FINANCIAL_SCOPE_NOT_SUPPORTED More than one financial scope is not supported
UNSUPPORTED_SCOPE_COMBINATION The combination of scope types are not supported
CONSENT_MISMATCH A value in request mismatch with a value in consent
UNSUPPORTED_SCOPE The scope is not supported
NOT_FOUND Requested resource was not found